четверг, 3 ноября 2011 г.

Why study Geography?

     Have you ever asked yourself, should I or need I to study Geography? I did it, And you know what, It was very hard to find any answer to it. We are even not able to answer should we know geography or no. As you can see my last post was about "What it is Geography" for me, and you have a picture, your own picture in your mind when you think of Geography, of the whole world and everything on it. If you look at this post's title it tells that here should be my opinion about "Why we need to study Geography". So yesterday i watched a video of a "Royal Geographical Society", you also fell free to watch it, and the people who got involved in this Video talked  why we need to know as much as we can.

     There are a very big amount of reasons for it. My reason is that we need to know where we live, where do people get row material for food, which we usually don't know how and from where it comes to us. We should know our land, our planet as much as we can do it, to be able to save it, and to avoid spoiling it, to stop making it dirty. Because we live in this world, we breath the air in here, we eat the products which is being produced from this land. So spoiling out planet means that we spoil all human beings.And geography also can be useful in traveling, knowing the location of countries and continents, and the weather there. 

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