четверг, 24 ноября 2011 г.

The Aral Sea

When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, (1706-1790), Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746

Water! Water! Water! Liquid which keeps us alive, which gives us power and liquid which is 70% of our body component. Human being cannot live without water; it only can survive from 2 to 3 day depending on people's body. Can you imagine that fresh, drinkable water which we are drinking in our normal life and using for our needs is less than 1% of all waters in the world. The problem which we will have in the future is unavoidable. The lack of water was always a problem, but in the future we will suffer of lack of water in the world. And there are no alternatives for it. Nowadays 1.1 billion people (1 of 6) do not have access to an improved water supply. So human beings had to think about it "yesterday". The world's 4th biggest sea was "Aral Sea". It was huge but in 20 years the Aral Sea disappeared!
The Aral Sea from 1962 to 2006

The Aral Sea was a lake that lay between Kazakhstan in the north autonomous region of Uzbekistan, in the south. The name “Aral Sea” is translated as The Sea of Islands. And in The Aral Sea there were about 1500 islands. The world’s 4th biggest sea had about 682 KMs of area and depth was about 42 meters. After disappearance of the sea a lot of people who had earning their lives by fishing in it, left without food and now having hard times. But food is one thing. Another problem which appeared is public health. People who used to live there are suffering from respiratory disease, skin diseases and others. And they cannot do anything with it, there is nowhere to go for them. There is nobody to help to them. As I myself from Uzbekistan, this problem is definitely touches me, although I live in about 1000 km away from Aral Sea.

The distance is not problem for harmful chemicals, salts and pesticide. The pesticides which were found in Aral Sea also were found in penguins’ blood in South Pole. But South Pole is in 12000 km distance from Aral Sea. So now imagine how people who are living near by the Aral Sea Deserts are existing in there.
At the end I want to say that the Aral Sea problem is not touching the countries which are around the Aral Sea, but it is definitely one of important global problems!

So dear readers lets save our Planet, lets save its beautiful nature for our children and don’t waste WATER!

понедельник, 14 ноября 2011 г.

Tsunami - ''The Aftermath''

This Movie called Tsunami - ''The Aftermath'', I watched it also, and found very interesting. The tsunami itself happened in 24th of December 2004. The tsunami came suddenly, nobody knew about it. It came like rain in sunny day, but it was rain with the height of 15 foot. Can you imagine the height of each weave was 15 foot! It had power which destroyed all houses, hotels and all buildings near the coast. But if you think about this movie deeply, you can find the ideas which producers and script writers wanted to show. They showed the problems which occurred while the tsunami. The main point which i noticed is that government sometimes do not want to warn people, or announce that there is risk of coming tsunami. Because they don't want to lose money which will come from tourists. But if there is an announcement about tsunami, non of tourist will comу to their places. So the conclusion or decision is not to tell anybody anything. and that is all. This is Economical affect of tsunami on government and people there.

    There are also social problems in the movie are shown. First problem was with network and communication. Many people could not get their parents abroad or even call to evacuation command to help them. The and people as well were bad prepared to such kind of circumstances.
    The People who have been living there for a long time tried to protect themselves and started burning lifeless bodies, not allowing disease to spread to everybody. I say this: It wasn't bad or wrong, it just was not good enough. in that case government had to join and help them, and by the way they had to collect all information oа that people or identify them.
The next problem which occurred was not mentioned in the movie, but i heard it from my friend from other country. He told me that there was arise in prices of electronic devices. The cause was flood in Thailand. So when there is a natural disaster there are a lot of things which can change.

четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

    There is a great documentary film, called "The Cove" In this film, the producers touch almost the same issue which was in my previous post, the issue with Japanese. Why with Japanese, because they are the very people who are killing the majority of dolphins in the world. The city where they kill almost 21,000 dolphins called Taiji, Wakayama. A small city with big secrets. Can you imagine, they kill 21,000 dolphins a year. It’s a huge amount of dolphins. The issue is that the society which protects dolphins cannot solve, stop Japanese people by legal way. You even are not allowed to go to the place where they kill them. It is not done intentionally, they just want to catch dolphins and sell them to trainers for further business. But it is prohibited by the World Society of Dolphins. And the Japanese authorities do not care about it, because if they stop this ‘job’ they will lose money also. So the group which took participate in the film tried to find out and film the place where it happened. It was secret operation, they got and installed very good and expensive equipments to capture what was happening there. So it was terrible, it was mass annulment there. After capturing all stuff there they just took it to the annual meeting of people who was responsible for such kinds of problems.
But as for me, i think that this kind of problems can not be solved once and for all. If you are interested in this movie, click here.

среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

Reflection on South Park.
This video i saw in Geography class. It was my first time watching South Park, But before i knew about this TV Show, Just didn't liked its title. So the part of South Park which i watched was about dolphins, Japanese, Americans, Nuclear explosion in Nagasaki and about the main characters of TV Show. As i understand the Japanese killed all the dolphins because they thought the dolphins were the very animals who dropped nuclear bomb to Nagasaki.
But the main characters mad another picture with chicken and cow, after that that Japanese started killing  Cows and chickens.
But the main issue in the movie was not picture with Whale and Dolphin or with chicken and cow...

четверг, 3 ноября 2011 г.

Why study Geography?

     Have you ever asked yourself, should I or need I to study Geography? I did it, And you know what, It was very hard to find any answer to it. We are even not able to answer should we know geography or no. As you can see my last post was about "What it is Geography" for me, and you have a picture, your own picture in your mind when you think of Geography, of the whole world and everything on it. If you look at this post's title it tells that here should be my opinion about "Why we need to study Geography". So yesterday i watched a video of a "Royal Geographical Society", you also fell free to watch it, and the people who got involved in this Video talked  why we need to know as much as we can.

     There are a very big amount of reasons for it. My reason is that we need to know where we live, where do people get row material for food, which we usually don't know how and from where it comes to us. We should know our land, our planet as much as we can do it, to be able to save it, and to avoid spoiling it, to stop making it dirty. Because we live in this world, we breath the air in here, we eat the products which is being produced from this land. So spoiling out planet means that we spoil all human beings.And geography also can be useful in traveling, knowing the location of countries and continents, and the weather there. 

вторник, 1 ноября 2011 г.

What is Geography?

Hello dear readers! Today I am going to talk about "What is it geography" for me. When I hear or say a word "Geography" I have a picture of the whole world, the map of out world in my mind. The picture of nature, climate in our planet, all kinds of animals and human beings, different types of networks, such as: Internet, Cultural networks and and others. The word "Geography" came from Greek language, and it means to describe-write the earth, to study it and know about our piece of land more and more. It can be good and bad. But nowadays if you look at a general "picture" of the world it is seen that the geography is not only about our land. The reason is that nowadays humanity try to learn, discover new planet with the aim to live or create new life in the far future.